Sunday, March 25, 2012

Medicinal properties of Cordyceps sinensis

Cordyceps sinensis is very expensive.

It has nutritional value that consists of cordycepin, polysaccharide, protein, amino acids and vitamins B, which result of the popularity of the use for medicines, because the cordyceps sinensis is very expensive.

Cordyceps sinensis is very expensive.

There is more research to farming by using silkworm is the base for cultivation cordyceps militaris, which cultured easier because a shorter life cycle, nearly one-third. It has similar properties.

In the past, the cordyceps sinensis as mushrooms that was expensive and rare.

In the past, the cordyceps sinensis as mushrooms that was expensive and rare. It is mushrooms that used in Chinese people and the people in the area around the Himalayas only. Its price will be for about $ 1500-2000 per kg only. But after the year 2001 onwards, Mushroom prices would leap up several times. It cost more than 32,000 USD per kg and in short supply as well. This is due to competitive athletics in Beijing, China in 2001.

So you can see that it has great features and benefits to the body that are very attractive.